NEW CASTLE, Del. – New Castle County Police held a blood drive at the New Castle County Department of Public Safety and booked 37 appointments, helping with Blood Bank of Delmarva’s fall collection efforts on Thursday, October 31.
In all, New Castle County Police collected 45 units for Blood Bank of Delmarva, Account Manager Mary Moore said.
New Castle County Police Sgt. Chris Rau and Officer First Class Megan O’Donnell were among the donors. Rau and O’Donnell both happen to donate regularly with Blood Bank of Delmarva, either at work or at the Christiana Donor Center.
“I was off today, but I worked some overtime,” O’Donnell said. “I figured I’d do this also.”
New Castle County Police Major Laura O’Sullivan and Senior Lt. Angie Dolan were not donating at this drive, but they came by to thank colleagues for donating and saving lives, in more ways than one.
Among those colleagues was New Castle County Police Detective Josh Willis, who has been donating at work because of the convenience.
“I’m a frequent donor now,” he said.
This blood drive also attracted a few colleagues from beyond NCCPD, including Newark Police Department Master Cpl. Carter McKennon.
“I just saw that it was up, and my father-in-law is actually going through chemo right now,” Master Cpl. McKennon said. “So, now is a good time to donate.”
Last but not least, New Castle County Emergency Medical Services Chief Mark Logeman and Captain Aber came by the blood drive as well. Chief Logeman needed his donor ID to look up his profile on, and Captain Aber wanted to donate in light of the shooting that took placer earlier in the day in Wilmington.
Special thanks to Channel 6ABC WPVI for covering this blood drive.