For the past 24 years, Janice Palma has alternated between donating whole blood or platelets at Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD).
But, her history goes back further than that. Janice started donating in the 1980s, but stopped for years when the phlebotomist who could find her vein retired. But she came back in 2000 and started donating regularly again. She soon switched to apheresis, which is ideal for type A positive blood, and has alternated between platelets and whole blood ever since.

Her last donation of platelets occurred earlier this summer on June 13.
When asked why she donates, Janice became emotional and had to collect herself for a brief moment.
“The big reason for blood was my dad,” she finally said. “He got ill, and my mom would say, they gave him blood and he felt better. My friends ask, why do you give? And I say, it could be your family member.”
Speaking of family, Janice also got one of her sons, Nick, into donating blood. His introduction to BBD eventually led to him being hired to work as a Technical Support Analyst in the IT Department. His two-year anniversary with BBD was also this summer, on July 12.
“I donated before I worked here, because she brought me in,” Nick said.
To follow in their footsteps and donate blood or platelets, please call 888-8-BLOOD-8 or visit There is currently an urgent need for type O blood.