Susan Fisher celebrated living cancer-free by hosting a blood drive and spending time with her family and friends.
Susan had always been a dedicated donor, but when she was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 1989, she was told she couldn’t donate for at least five years after treatment. This upset Susan because the recent cancer diagnosis only strengthened her desire to help other patients.
But years later, her commitment to giving back did not waiver. With her doctor’s approval, she hosted a blood drive the soonest she could and donated whole blood again. She shared this moment with her growing family and friends.
Susan is now 23 years cancer-free and has three wonderful children. She continues to donate regularly. Her father also developed and passed away from malignant melanoma, so she is committed to helping new cancer patients in their battles. Since Susan is now eligible to give platelets, her goal is to make 12 donations by the end of 2017. She even drives over an hour to donate at our Christiana location because she believes in our lifesaving mission!